Before going to our topic, let us discuss some basic points about what is
the United Nations, what is Security Council and how it works?
United Nation(UN) is an international organization which is founded in 1945
after the second world war by more than 50 countries to support
international peace and security, by developing friendly relation among the
And United Nation Security Council is one of the main organs of United
Nation which is primarily responsible for supporting international peace and
According to United Nation charter the Security Council shall consist of
fifteen members in which five are permanent (with veto power including
China) and ten are non-permanent members (which are elected by General
Assembly for a two-year term).
Now, let us discuss what power China enjoy as a permanent member?
First one is it can refuse to allow any discussions which may hurt its interest as you can see the example recently when china has rejected a proposal which allow discussion on corona virus and it can also veto any resolution. Second one is it misuse the power to achieve certain diplomatic goals or can force non-permanent member to compromise on various issues.
So, these are the basic point we need to know, now let us come back to our article and let us discuss how China can be removed from UNSC permanent member.
Scenario to remove China from UNSC
Here we discuss four scenarios from which China can be removed from UNSC in these four cases two are legal and two are illegal (if all countries united against China then it can also happen), now let us discuss all four scenarios.
Scenario 1:
First scenario is to make amendment in UN Charter chapter XVIII which would require 2/3 vote of the General Assembly, and all permanent member of Security council would have to agree as well, this mean is that a permanent member of UNSC cannot be removed without their permission and we know China is permanent member, so first scenario will not help in this condition it can only applicable on non-permanent members.
Scenario 2:
According to UN Charter VI, if any member of United Nation which has
persistently violated the principle contain in present charter may be
expelled from organization by the General Assembly upon the recommendation
of the Security Council. Again, we can see in this case recommendation of
security council member is require and china we not allow such
recommendation. So, again this move will not work against china.
Here we can see that both the legal scenario we not work in this case of china now we can see the power of a permanent member, so it is extremely hard to remove China from UNSC. Now let us discuss two illegal ways to remove China from Security Council.
Scenario 3:
In this scenario if all countries came together and boycott China for its negligence on various issues like corona-virus. But it is only possible if all 192 country unite against China but it is hard to isolate any permanent member in UNSC.
Scenario 4:
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Before going to this scenario, we need to know one fact that there is two china in the world, first one is People’s Republic of China (PRC) which is main land China and second one is Republic Of China(ROC) which is Taiwan, before 1949 Taiwan was the permanent member of UNSC but in 1949 China(PRC) captured the mainland of China from Taiwan(ROC) and Taiwan was also replaced from UNSC by China. Now it can be possible if all the country accepts that there is only one China and that is Republic Of China (Taiwan) then automatically Chinese permanent seat will be transferred to the Taiwan (ROC) but for that all the powerful countries should have to show their courage and support the existences of Taiwan.
Another solution will to be make a parallel organization like United
Nation with same power and restrict China from entering on it.
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